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CF Rolling CME Futures Indices

CF Digital Asset Index Family - Rolling CME Futures Indices

CF Digital Asset Index Family - Rolling CME Futures Indices


The index is a means of replicating the USD returns of holding physical Bitcoins or Ether through CME futures contracts that allow investors to seek USD price exposure. Price discovery is facilitated by the CME GLOBEX central limit order book system and transactions are centrally cleared.

CF Rolling CME Bitcoin Futures
  • CF Rolling CME Bitcoin Futures Index Methodology
  • Bitcoin Rolling Futures Factsheet
CF Rolling CME Ether Futures
  • CF Rolling CME Ether Futures Index Methodology
  • Ether Rolling Futures Factsheet
CF Rolling CME Bitcoin Ether Basket Futures
  • CF Rolling CME Bitcoin Ether Basket Futures Index Methodology
  • CF Benchmark Statement - Regulated-Data Benchmarks

Contact information

For more information about our indices and to explore licensing opportunities send us a message and we will come back to you as soon as possible.

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