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CME CF Cryptocurrency Pricing Products

Single Asset Indices

CME CF Cryptocurrency Pricing Products

CME CF Cryptocurrency Pricing Products


The CME CF Cryptocurrency Pricing Products are single-asset benchmarks and real-time indices intended to measure the underlying economic reality of the exchange of the base asset for the quote asset and vice versa.

This is accomplished by the use of transactional input data from Constituent Exchanges. The BRR and ETHUSD_RR from the benchmark family are used to settle the BTC-USD and ETH-USD futures and options contracts listed by CME Group and also serve as the NAV and Reference Price to ETFs and ETPs listed in the USA, Hong Kong, Germany, Switzerland, Canada, France and Brazil.

CME CF Single Asset Series
  • CME CF Reference Rates Methodology
  • CME CF Reference Rates Methodology (Portuguese)
  • CME CF Real Time Index Methodology
  • CME CF BRR Suitability analysis for the creation of regulated financial products
  • CME CF Hard Fork Policy
CME CF Constituent Exchanges
  • CME CF Constituent Exchanges Criteria
  • CME CF Constituent Exchanges
CME CF Oversight Committee
  • CME CF Benchmark Statement
  • CME CF Conficts of Interest Policy
  • CME CF Oversight Committee Charter
  • CME CF Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes October 2023
  • CME CF Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes April 2023
  • CME CF Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes November 2022
  • CME CF Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes October 2022
  • CME CF Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes May 2022
  • CME CF Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes March 2022
  • CME CF Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes December 2021
  • CME CF Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes August 2021
  • CME CF Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes March 2021
  • CME CF Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes November 2020
  • CME CF Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes July 2020
  • CME CF Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes April 2020
  • CME CF Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes January 2020
  • CME CF Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes October 2019
  • CME CF Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes June 2019
  • CME CF Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes February 2019
  • CME CF Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes November 2018
  • CME CF Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes July 2018
  • CME CF Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes December 2017
  • CME CF Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes September 2017

Contact information

For more information about our indices and to explore licensing opportunities send us a message and we will come back to you as soon as possible.

[email protected]
[email protected]