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Truly Representative Regulated Price Benchmarks

Regulated price benchmarks for all liquid digital assets where underlying transaction data is sourced from multiple reputable crypto exchanges that conform to strict criteria that cover market surveillance, AMLKYC and legal compliance to deliver high integrity data. To find out more about the BRR and other examples of digital asset indices, take a look at our live price data.

Utmost transparency that withstands the highest levels of scrutiny

All methodologies, governance processes and decisions are published and all aspects of CF benchmarks compliance with BMR is audited - see report here - meaning benchmark users can be assured their valuations will stand up to the highest levels of scrutiny from tax and regulatory authorities.

Comprehensive Range of Calculation Frequencies to Suit all Valuation Methods

Real Time and once a day benchmarks that synchronize to US, Europe and APAC end of day means seamless integration with existing operations.

The valuation and reporting problems that CF Benchmarks solves

Ensure accurate valuation and reporting of your clients digital asset investments with regulated industry standard price benchmarks.

Distributed Trading - the distributed nature of cryptocurrency trading means there is not a recognized single source for pricing of cryptocurrencies (such as a stock exchange closing price for equities).
Price Volatility - the price volatility exhibited by cryptocurrencies can mean significant swings in short periods of time means that pricing that is accurate down to the second is imperative for accurate valuations at key reporting dates such as financial or tax year ends.
Lack of Regulation - regulations are not consistent if in existence at all, this means that the available data (which is plentiful) may not be fully relied upon due to questions of integrity.

Learn more

Find out more about the CME CF Bitcoin Reference Rate
Learn more about the CME CF Ether Dollar Reference Rate

Readily available data through major data vendors

CF Benchmarks provides key index analytics on its website in real time  to give index users an up to date picture of price action dynamics and volume flows.

CME CF BRR is published and disseminated through major vendor platforms

  • Bloomberg: BRR GO
  • Refinitiv: .BRR
  • CME MDP and DataMine