CF Benchmarks
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Asset Owners & Institutional Investors

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Digital Asset Allocation made easy

CF Benchmarks helps pensions, sovereign wealth funds, insurance companies and other institutional investors navigate the digital asset class and make more informed investment decisions through comprehensive frameworks, tools and price benchmarks to construct, manage and assess their portfolios

Navigate the Blockchain Economy and Understand Exposures of Digital Assets

The Digital Asset universe is constituted of a diverse range of Assets with differing characteristics, use cases and applications. The lack of a coherent classification system by which to segment this universe, understand its constitution and map exposures of digital assets to real world use cases and differing economic activities severely limited any quantitative analysis of the asset class. The CF Digital Asset Classification Structure (CF DACS) gives investors a simple, comprehensive and evergreen framework by which to attribute performance to real world activities and adoption.

Benchmark Digital Asset Pricing

Regulated price benchmarks for all liquid digital assets where underlying transaction data is sourced from multiple reputable crypto exchanges that conform to strict criteria that cover market surveillance, AMLKYC and legal compliance to deliver high integrity price benchmarks that can stand up to the most stringent scrutiny.

Benchmark Portfolio Index Families

Regulated portfolio benchmarks that measure the price performance of specific digital asset exposures including; capitalization ranges, economic sectors and blockchain ecosystem categories utilising portfolio construction techniques that drive comprehensive exposure and weighting techniques that mitigate liquidity, operational and concentration risks.

Readily available data through major data vendors

CF Benchmarks provides key index analytics on its website in real time  to give index users an up to date picture of price action dynamics and volume flows.

CME CF BRR is published and disseminated through major vendor platforms

  • Bloomberg: BRR GO
  • Refinitiv: .BRR
  • CME MDP and DataMine

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