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Apr 28, 2023

Announcement of a Consultation on changes to the CF Digital Asset Classification Structure (CF DACS) Methodology

The Administrator announces that it is launching a consultation on proposed changes to the CF Digital Asset Classification Structure (CF DACS) Methodology. The Administrator proposes changes relating only to the sections of the methodology below:

  • Section 6.2 – CF Digital Asset Classification Structure and Section 6.2.2 – Examples
  • Section 6.2.1 – CF DACS Definitions

Tables outlining proposed changes follow.

Proposed Changes to Definitions

Proposed Structural Changes


On a periodic basis, the Administrator reviews its existing CF Investable Universe. During this process, either new Digital Assets can be added, or the existing Digital Assets can be removed from the CF Investable Universe. The latest review of the CF Investable Universe as well as the evolution of the Digital Asset definitions resulted in changes to the CF Digital Asset Classification Structure (CF DACS), the hierarchy, and to the introduction of granular definitions for different levels within the CF DACS.

Implementation Timeline

The Administrator proposes to implement the proposed changes to the CF Digital Asset Classification Structure Methodology at 1100 London Time on May 12th, 2023, meaning that all products will be utilising the CF DACS’s new adopted structure and definitions from that date forward.

Consultation Process

The consultation will begin on April 28th, 2023, ending on May 5th, 2023, at 1600 London Time. All responses will be treated confidentially in accordance with the Administrator’s policies and procedures and will be overseen by the CF Oversight Function in accordance with UK BMR.

In case of any questions or queries please do not hesitate to contact [email protected].

Any users wishing to file a complaint regarding this consulation process can do so confidentially by writing to [email protected].