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WisdomTree CF Market


Last updated: Sat, 27 Jul 2024 05:40:31 GMT
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The WisdomTree CF Crypto Market Real Time Index is designed to track the performance of a diversified basket of crypto assets representing the large cap portion of the crypto asset market and is calculated once a second 24/7, 365 days a year. The Index is comprised of crypto assets with the largest market capitalization and meet the eligibility criteria set forth in the methodology. The Index is weighted based on free-float market capitalization. WisdomTree Investments Inc. is the Index Administrator

Refinitiv: .WCMRKTR

Index Series

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If you require access to real time or historic data for this index to power a product or service or are interested in licensing the index for the creation of a financial product, investment fund or derivative instrument please contact [email protected]


WisdomTree CF Series
  • WisdomTree CF Crypto Index Family Methodology