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WisdomTree CF Mega Cap


Last updated: Sat, 27 Jul 2024 11:15:51 GMT
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The WisdomTree CF Crypto Mega Cap Real Time Index is designed to track the performance of a basket of crypto assets representing the mega cap portion of the crypto asset market and is calculated and published once a second 24/7, 365 days a year. The Index is intended to give exposure to a basket of crypto assets which generally are leaders in the market as measured in terms of market capitalization and liquidity and is comprised of Bitcoin and Ether. The Index is equally weighted and rebalances on a quarterly basis to achieve equal weighting of Index constituents. WisdomTree Investments Inc. is the Index Administrator

Refinitiv: .WCMEGAR

Index Series

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If you require access to real time or historic data for this index to power a product or service or are interested in licensing the index for the creation of a financial product, investment fund or derivative instrument please contact [email protected]


WisdomTree CF Series
  • WisdomTree CF Crypto Index Family Methodology