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Nasdaq Crypto Settlement Price Index


Last updated: Mon, 17 Feb 2025 21:00:00 GMT
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The Nasdaq Crypto Index Settlement Price (NCIS) is calculated once a day and published at 1600 New York Time. The NCIS is designed to measure the performance of a significant portion of the digital asset market and to provide a benchmark for institutional investment in this new and emerging asset class. The index is specifically designed to be dynamic in nature, broadly representative of the market, and readily trackable by investors.

Index Series

Referencing Products

Hashdex Nasdaq Crypto Index ETFBermuda/Brazil

Usage & Licensing

If you require access to real time or historic data for this index to power a product or service or are interested in licensing the index for the creation of a financial product, investment fund or derivative instrument please contact [email protected]


NCIS Methodology
  • NCIS Methodology